Britney Spears took a break from rehab.
Don’t worry, though, fans. She didn’t flee the clinic, pound a bottle of Jim Beam and rage against paparazzi. This time, the break was for more rehab.
The fallen star with the shaved head wore a wig underneath a brown hat, and was reportedly heading to an AA meeting in Santa Monica last night, smiling all the way.
Britney was escorted into the support group by her assistant, and returned to Promises treatment center – where she’s apparently staying after two failed attempts at getting her act together – right after the meeting.
Reports indicate the rehab center is saying Britney Spears has depression, but may not have a substance abuse problem.
We know Britney has been using cocaine and other hard drugs (a fact that Jason Alexander told us) a side effect of which is depression. AA is for alcoholics, of course, so does this mean the docs are trying to say alcohol doesn’t constitute substance abuse?
Whatever. It just seems as though almost everyone – except, ironically, Kevin Federline – around Britney is enabling her problems with their co-dependent behavior.
Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. The mother of five-month-old Jayden James Federline has to admit she has a problem, face reality, and keep getting help. And Brit, help doesn’t mean getting boned by Isaac Cohen. Hopefully you’ve learned that by now.