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Wanna smell like washed up teen spirit? This is your chance!

The OC – that played out, nonsensical, desperate former hit of a Fox television series – has spawned a fragrance line called, The O.C. for Her and The O.C. for Him. Those names are about as creative as any storylines from the drama’s third season.

The O.C. for Her has a fruity, floral scent perfect for the anorexic girl next door who enjoys drunken benders in Tijuana or being driven over cliffs to her enjoyable demise.

With its aroma of amber and musk, The O.C. for Him is the idealcologne for the formerly funny, whiny geek who fakes their way into Brown or burns down a model home.

Both scents will be available in October for fans lame enough to purchase them. They’ll be priced at under $25 each. But you can take a whiff of the sweet smell of Marissa’s rotting corpse right now, for free!

Nice, isn’t it?