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Ever wonder how Ellen Pompeo maintains her exquisite… well, rail-thin figure? The Defamer and its operatives say they’ve got her secret figured out — the ever-popular Big Fat Plate of Nothing Diet.

Here’s the blow-by-blow account of a trip to a Los Angeles diner on Friday night by the leading lady of Grey’s Anatomy, according to the site:

9:15 PM: Sitting at Lucky Devils on Hollywood and Cherokee. Ellen Pompeo just walked in. She looks pretty hot. I will tell you what she orders as it happens.

9:27 PM: So far just a milkshake that she’s sharing with her boyfriend. And by sharing, I mean letting him have it all.

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9:46 PM: It’s the Hollywood actress moment I was waiting for. The three people with Pompeo at her table have all ordered cheeseburgers. Pompeo has ordered a big fat plate of nothing. That’s right, there are three plates at the table, none of which are in front of Ellen. She’s just sitting there watching her friends eat. And that’s how you get cast on TV’s number one show, boys and girls.

Are we jumping to conclusions? Is it unfair to suggest that Ellen has an eating disorder simply because of this one incident? Yes and yes. But come on, it’s still pretty amusing. We’re just wondering if boyfriend Chris Ivery was there.