… will get you some awfully inane remarks. Just wait. As previously reported, aspiring rapper Kevin Federline showed up in Times Square to hype Virgin Mobile’s new 1-cent text-message service and launch the wireless company’s “Save the Penny” fund-raising drive for various children’s organizations.
“What’s up, New York!” Federline shouted from a stage after arriving in an armored truck decorated with 120,000 pennies. “I’m here with Virgin Mobile to bring the power back to the penny! I feel good about the penny! I’m glad to give it back to these charities.”
Then he sent the first 1-cent text, claiming it went to wife Britney Spears. Whether the pregnant pop princess responded positively, or asked her hubby to snare some pennies for her former bodyguards’ back pay, is another story.

In any case, Federline posed for the cameras holding up a penny, then slipping it in the armored vehicle’s donation slot. Then he took a smoke break, wiped his hand on his pants and did a few television interviews.
“I just gave all my pennies to charity,” he bragged. “A bunch of charities get these children off the streets – build a better life, build a better future, for these children. There’s thousands of kids out here that have nowhere to go.”
Finished with the compassionate interviews, K-Fed kissed publicist Marilyn Lopez goodbye as four bodyguards escorted him to a black SUV. A block into the ride, the SUV rear-ended a cab. Obscenities were traded between the driver and one of Federline’s bodyguards.