90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7 was a wild ride with some genuine love and a lot of toxic nonsense.
It is no surprise that the Tell All is broken up into four parts.
And the majority of Part 1 of the Tell All special took place before anyone actually set foot on the Tell All stage.
If this episode is any indication, this Tell All is going to be one of the most explosive in franchise history.
With that in mind, it is no surprise that it begins like a horror film.
The outbreak begins in Hazlehurst

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7, Episode 18 starts in Angela’s hometown, which always looks like a typo. She is in her closet, picking out which inappropriate dress to wear to the Tell All. Two of her grandchildren tune in to video chat and offer her advice that she ignores. Her daughter, Skyla, encourages her to file to divorce Michael. This time, for once, Michael actually wronged Angela … but apparently things are still up in the air.
Speaking of couples in weird places …

Angela is the most toxic person on this season’s cast, but she’s hardly the only nightmare. Ed Brown explains that he and Liz broke up again (this is, what, their tenth breakup). That it was three months ago. And though he later objects to this characterization, he once again kicked Liz out of the house. He says that he needed time to himself, which is fine on its own, but viewers have accused him of exploiting Liz’s housing insecurity. Simply put, the message with him seems to be that if you want to have a roof over your head, you have to keep him happy. That’s not okay.
But things are different now

Liz couch-surfed for weeks. Ed had a friend help him pack her things for her at one point because he was so adamant that she leave, so she didn’t have a place to stay. Now, however, she’s living with a friend — as in, renting a place with a roommate instead of relying upon a friend for help. This friend is respectful of her in ways that her actual fiance never was. But Liz also confesses that she and Ed haven’t completely parted ways. Unfortunately, they are spending time together again. “Ed wants me to wear my ring,” Liz says. “I don’t know if we’re engaged. I don’t know.”

In New York, Jovi Dufren and Andrei Castravet meet for a drink. The two did not really hit it off at their last Tell All, when Andrei (correctly) roasted Jovi for taking Yara to a strip club on their anniversary. This time, they start off on a better basis, discussing Yara’s ambitions for living in Europe. It sounds like she has realized that her ideas about buying an apartment in Prague were less realistic than she once imagined … if Yara ever actually intended to.
Someone’s envious

Yara received a 10-year green card because of timing. Meanwhile, Andrei had a short-term green card that he is trying to renew, but he shares his troubles and his suspicions with Jovi. Meanwhile, Jovi asks him if he has considered that he, Andrei, is the problem. He is alienating Libby from her family and “manipulating the whole family, turning everybody against each other.” He’s not wrong, but Andrei is furious.
Jovi decides to walk away

Meanwhile, Andrei says that this is how typical Americans react to conflict. “They fight, or they scream, or they walk off.” There aren’t many responses to conflict beyond that, so he’s really narrowing things down.
Usman “Sojaboy” Umar is in Nigeria

He cannot film in New York, but he is still all dressed up and tuning in to the Tell All remotely in style. He says that he is nervous to appear in this format with Kimberly, because they broke up. Unlike so many couples in this franchise, they have not reconciled. Not at the time of the taping of this Tell All, anyway. He seriously insulted Kimberly at the time of that breakup, but he believes that the real dealbreaker was that Kimberly cannot conceive.
Jenny Slatten is in New York!

She admits that she is experiencing something akin to “reverse culture shock,” because she has been out of the United States — even for Tell All specials — for three years. Returning has been different. Jenny is also really enjoying New York. Sumit, however, is not with her. Not physically — without a visa of his own, he needs to tune in to the Tell All remotely.
Jenny has a new friend

She and Kimberly are both from San Diego originally. They are both dating younger men (well, it’s past tense for Kimberly), both are mothers of adult children, and they faced very similar struggles this season — right down to confrontations with a partner’s parent who feels entitled to grandchildren. It only makes sense that they would hit it off.
Relatedly …

Yara Zaya and Shaeeda Sween are both young, married, fashion-oriented, and gorgeous. The two go look at expensive jewelry together, but as they discuss their marriages, it becomes clear that Yara — who has a child and has her own businesses already — is embodying some of Shaeeda’s life goals. How? Well, because Jovi isn’t manipulate-mansplain-malewifing his way out of conversations.
Shaeeda cannot even see Bilal’s account

Not all spouses share bank accounts, but normally that is because both spouses work and mutually decided to keep certain things separate. In this case, Shaeeda suggests that Bilal share information and that they set up a joint account — but Bilal has refused. So Shaeeda, who does not yet have her yoga studio set up in the US (Bilal has promised to help … eventually) has to ask him for anything that she wants. she is a grown woman. Yara accurately observes that this is f–king nuts. She even points out that this is a trust issue and also raises questions about Bilal’s finances.
Bilal hears what he wants to hear

Shaeeda acknowledges how he steers conversations. It is something that their former castmate, Patrick Mendes, described in detail at a previous Tell All. Bilal is manipulative. Even if he’s not malicious, his refusal to truly compromise with Shaeeda seems to be damaging their marriage. Obviously.
You will witness manmade horrors beyond your comprehension

We have to see Angela flirt with and cop a feel of a handsome young man before she goes into the building. The show loves fluffing her overblown ego. She is actually in the habit of keeping her castmates waiting so that she can make her grand entrance.
Angela is with her friend, Jen

Jen repeatedly urges her to remain calm and dignified. Obviously, there is no chance of any of that happening. Angela is already “predicting” a fight with Usman, whom she despises. It is easy to predict what will happen when you are the one who will make it happen.
Back in Nigeria

Michael Ilesanmi admits that he cheated on Angela, sending messages — DMs and voice messages — with a 31-year-old American woman. But, again, apparently he and Angela are still in contact. They are also still married, unfortunately.
And Michael is dreading the Tell All

Not only will he have to face his wife (a fate we would not wish upon our worst enemies), but he will have to witness her abhorrent behavior. He knows that Usman and Angela hate each other, and now they’re castmates. This will not be pretty.
Michael calls Angela’s friend, Rene

Angela seems to collect women who share her … eccentricities. Jen is one. Rene is another. Michael met Rene during the trip to Nigeria, and reaches out to her after expressing his desire to make peace with his wife and moves on. Angela isn’t taking his calls at the moment.
Big Ed meets Kimberly

Finally at the Tell All, they meet, and Ed immediately begins telling Kimberly that she needs to learn to make peace with being alone. That is … some serious advice to give someone whom you’ve only just met. Kimberly is bracing herself to meet Angela. In fact, everyone seems to be dreading coming face-to-face with her.
Shaeeda unfortunately met Angela the night before

She felt that Angela was “checking out” Bilal in the elevator. Given her energy on the Tell All footage that we’ve seen already, that is not a surprise. We don’t think that Shaeeda has anything to worry about.
Jenny looks amazing

They all do, really. Liz looks great, even though she knows that she looks foolish for getting back with Ed. Well, yeah. Foolish, but gorgeous. And Jovi and Yara are dressed as the Ukrainian flag.
Big Ed remains gross, however

Jovi and Kimberly discuss Bilal’s alarming pattern of behavior, including the fake house to which he took Shaeeda on the previous season. Ed says that he doesn’t feel sorry for Shaeeda, that he thinks that the deception was “brilliant,” and that Shaeeda is a “gold digger.” If anyone was on the fence about whether Bilal’s actions were acceptable, Big Ed’s endorsement should be all that you need to hear to know that it was wrong.
Angela calls Michael to terrorize him

She’s not taking his calls, but she’s still calling him to insult him, then hanging up on him. Awful. His cheating is not okay, but we can all understand that the emotional, verbal, and at times physical abuse from his spouse are worse.
Go Team Misogyny!

Watching Bilal and Ed greet each other makes us wonder if Bilal will do some soul-searching upon realizing that he’s basically Ed’s hero.
Yara isn’t a big fan of Andrei, by the way

Andrei is promoting some serious stereotypes about “scammers,” claiming that as many as one in three couples are doing so. That’s not true, on the show or off, and Yara calls him out about it.
Ugh, Angela arrives

She keeps everyone waiting so that she can make her big, special interest because she craves attention. She comes up and fistbumps the second worst member of the cast, Big Ed. Incidentally, Ed had warned everyone to not feed into Angela’s bad behavior. We’re sure that she’ll respond to that well now that she’s seen it on screen.
And then she calls Usman a “bitch”

She hurls expletives at Usman before he even has a chance to speak to her, flipping the bird at him. Remember when she “predicted” fighting with Usman? Like we said, she made it happen.
Usman doesn’t take that lying down

He knows what Angela is like. They have clashed before. And he fires back, calling Angela a “stupid asshole.”
It goes on from there

Everyone else just has to sit there while angela and Usman yell back and forth, with an entire ocean between them.
Yes, Michael hears every word

The rest of the cast watches in horror, but Angela’s husband also bears witness to this as it goes down.
“Get your tooth fixed”

Angela ignores others who try to speak as she repeatedly demands that Usman undergo dental surgery.
Finally, Yara has had enough

Angela is disrupting all of this — trying to take the show for herself when, frankly, other people have things to say. It’s not just about wanting to share, either — if you want to return to the show, you need to be entertaining and memorable. Angela’s despicable behavior means less air time for everyone else.
Angela responds with her usual grace and sense of reason

That is to say that she yells for Yara to “shut up,” and goes over to her and screams in her face. Yara previously joked that she was nervous that an attack from Angela might damage her newly “fixed” breasts, but perhaps she was only half-joking.
Everyone just wants to start the tell all

Usman could have chosen a more polite way to ask, but at this point, one can understand why he lost his cool.
Angela storms out

Before even taking her seat, this nightmare human shoves a producer to the side and storms off of the stage and out of the building. She demands that Jen not speak to her but simply go retrieve the car so that she can go back to the hotel.
Kimberly feels horrified

Angela was very disrespectful — even by Tell All standards. It was, as she says, disgusting. That’s Angela for you.
Then Michael clashes with Usman

We have complicated feelings about Michael. He is a victim of Angela’s abuse. But it is painful to watch him defend his marriage, his wife, and his own behavior.
Usman has some good advice (yes, really)

He urges Michael to leave Angela.
“This woman will kill you at an early age”

Usman is not necessarily wrong. No one deserves how Angela treats Michael. He shouldn’t cheat on her — he should simply leave her.
Michael isn’t ready to hear it

Explaining that he is not interested in filming without his wife, Michael steps away from the camera. So the Tell All has lost two of its cast members right away.

Kimberly emphasizes that Usman is not a “scammer.” Meanwhile, Usman says that “Angela is the worst thing that has ever happened to Nigeria.” Considering the history of colonialism in Nigeria, that is hyperbole.
So, welcome to the Tell All?

Shaun Robinson, who truly cannot be getting paid enough to put up with all of this (while not being able to control what she asks), kicks things off. She’s excited to see Jenny in person for the first time in a few years. Sumit gushes over how much he misses Jenny, and she tears up. They were very much in love. The two don’t delve into Jenny’s hopes that they might try a move to the US.
How about Yara and Jovi?

Prague isn’t happening, and they’re looking at other potential places to move. Jovi doesn’t want to live anywhere with a good, cool climate, so he’s looking at Florida. Meanwhile, Yara says that she’ll have more kids soon if Jovi is willing to do the full-time parenting. If not, they have one child for now and that is enough. Clearly, some matters are still up in the air, but they’re normal disagreements.
The raw truth

Bilal and Shaeeda share that they have tried a “couple of times” to conceive by having sex without protection. That is progress towards Bilal fulfilling his promises towards Shaeeda.
Unfortunately, these two are engaged again

Ed says that they are engaged but not living together. They see each other regularly — every other day, by the sound of it. No one in the room thinks that this is healthy or a good idea. Liz insists that this is the best that they’ve been together, which isn’t really saying much. She calls this “one last try.” Fingers crossed that it really is the last try!
Andrei is there without Libby

Elizabeth is way too pregnant to fly to New York, so she participates in the Tell All remotely. Her due date is only weeks away. She says that Andrei is helpful when it comes to looking after their daughter, Ellie, but clearly there is more with which she needs help.
And then these two

Kimberly and Usman are, they say, friends. “Done and over.” They have not gotten back together. Kimberly brings up the idea of being “friends with benefits” and wants to “see him one last time.” Shaeeda asks how she will deal with this friendship when Usman does find a wife. That’s a fair question.
Moving on to Ed and Liz, Jovi does not hold back

“You’re a piece of s–t for doing that,” he tells Ed after hearing that he kicked out Liz twice, once with five days of notice. Ed doesn’t like hearing himself described so accurately on camera, but Jovi is right.
Shaeeda has some advice: “Take ownership of that property.”

That’s not bad advice for a married couple — up to a point. You shouldn’t feel like a houseguest when you’re a spouse. But is that what Shaeeda has done? How many walls in Bilal’s home have color? Maybe they’ve painted since we last saw the interior of their home.
Rich comes out

Big Ed’s on-again, off-again friend joins them on the Tell All stage. He and Ed haven’t spoken in a while. Ed keeps him at a distance sometimes over his issues with the engagement. The way that Ed treats both of them seems oddly similar.
Ed starts spiraling about their previous breakup

Apparently, one split arose from Liz’s desire to set a date for their wedding. Ed decided that this was an ultimatum, and began chanting “Don’t threaten me! Don’t threat me!” while recalling her description of what a breakup would be like. In his mind, her reminding him that the could and would date if they were not together was the same as a threat to sleep around, somehow.
This is where Liz and Rich compare notes

Incidentally, it seems like Ed is playing the two of them against each other, because it sounds like Ed has exaggerated some of their statements.
Has Ed spoken to his ex, Rosemarie Vega?

After asking about Ed dating during the breakups (he was, Liz knows, on dating apps), Shaun asks if he and Rose have spoken. Rose was the previous desperate twenty-something single mom whom Ed mistreated. Ed initially denies having spoken to her, but then admits that he isn’t sure. It is, Liz notes, a simple yes-or-no question.

Rose shows up, as Ed had to realize when Shaun began asking him these questions. That is the cliffhanger for the episode, but obviously, Ed has been in touch with her. Liz and Rose are meeting for the first time, and this is only Part 1 of 4.