Last month, Lori Loughlin reported to prison to begin serving her sentence.
Now, a report says that the worsening COVID-19 pandemic has her living in fear.

Lori Loughlin is currenly serving her two-month sentence behind bars.
According to The Daily Mail, the disgraced former actress is "doing okay" in prison.
She is, however, said to be extremely worried about catching COVID-19 during her time there.

Holli Coulman, who was once an inmate and is now a prison consultant, has expanded upon Lori’s alleged state of mind.
"She’s not crying every night," Holli stresses.
"But," she says, "I have been told she has high anxiety."

"It’s dirty," Holli says of life behind bars. "You can never get rid of the dirt."
She characterizes it: "It is not a pleasant place."
Lori is said to be sharing space with three other women and subsisting on PBJ sandwiches. And things have recently gotten worse.

Personal prison visits have been suspended in light of the dangers of the pandemic.
To make matters worse, phone calls have been slashed to three per week.
While these policies may be sensible pandemic precautions, it can make life much less bearable for those incarcerated.

The 56-year-old actress began serving her time at the Federal Correctional Instutition Dublin last month.
Going behind bars on October 30, she has been locked away for less than one month.
Her sentence will last two months, but as we all know, for many people, COVID-19’s symptoms can last much longer.

Meanwhile, Mossimo Giannulli reported to low-security FCI Lompoc, which is relatively near Santa Barbara, on Thursday.
Mossimo’s sentence will span five months.
Together, they were convicted of mail fraud after paying $500,000 to effectively, albeit indirectly, bribe their daughters into UCLA.

Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose might have been better off if their parents had simply gifted them $250,000 each and called it a day.
Certainly, the family would not be humiliated as the most famous faces behind the college admissions scandal.
Of course, a bunch of high powered VPs are probably grateful that Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman’s arrests took attention away from their own roles in the scandal.

It’s easy to joke or even gloat when an outrageously wealthy person ends up behind bars after using their wealth to, well, rob other people of opportunities.
To be clear, that is what happened — deserving kids get displaced when the ultra rich strongarm schools into admitting their kids.
But there are legitimate reasons to temper your enthusiasm for her comeuppance.

A lot of people will spend much more time behind bars for doing much less harm than Lori did.
Why, some people have caught COVID-19 behind bars and died without being convicted of a single crime — they just didn’t have the cash to pay bail.
And while ending cash bail is a noble cause, we should remember that many who face incarceration have sympathetic stories and are fundamentally good people.

People who are behind bars deserve safety — which means hygienic living conditions, healthcare, and protection from violence.
Whether we’re talking about a rich celebrity buying admission to UCLA or a struggling single mom serving a lenghty sentence for registering a relative’s address to get her daughter in a better high school, incarceration is punishment enough (or more than enough).
People behind bars should not be forgotten as we all hope to survive the pandemic. Even if, you know, nobody feels personally sorry for Lori.