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Cheyenne Floyd, along with so many other Americans, has been having a really rough week.

She’s been speaking out on the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday, and she’s gotten a lot of backlash for it.

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To recap, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who suspected him of using a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store.

The officer, who has since lost his job and been arrested on charges of third degree murder and manslaughter, put his knee on the back of George’s neck and held him there on the ground for several minutes until he was unresponsive.

He was declared dead soon after.

The whole thing was absolutely horrific, and made even worse by the fact that he was hardly the first black person to be killed for absolutely no reason by police.

Cheyenne Pic

Riots have been going on in Minneapolis and all over the country, and so many people are sharing their thoughts and feelings on how exhausted they are by this ongoing issue.

For her part, Cheyenne tweeted "Being black cannot be a death sentence."

In another message, she wrote "Dear Black Men, You are worthy. You are valuable. You are kings."

"I couldn’t sleep," she added later. "I cried just thinking of the conversations we will have to have with Baaz," her sister’s son. 

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"Teaching him how to navigate this world as a black man .. it breaks my heart."

She got some pretty nasty comments because of those tweets, which should be shocking but given how awful everything is, it sadly is not.

"I’ve been told because I have a platform I should stay neutral," she wrote.

She gave a list of all the racial slurs that were hurled at her over those tweets, and said "The world we live in sickens me."

Cheyenne Floyd in a Hoodie

Cheyenne also asked people to stop telling her to think of Cory’s mother when she says things like that, since Cory’s mom is white.

Like that has anything to do with any of this.

It’s sad and disappointing that people have been speaking to her like this over those harmless, heartfelt statements, but that’s not the only sad and disappointing thing for Cheyenne in all of this.

Earlier today, she took to Twitter once again to share her thoughts … and this time, she called out the other Teen Mom OG stars for not doing the same.

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"As the only black mother on a all white show," she tweeted, "your silence has said enough for me."

"A black man was murdered in front of the world, stop posting click bates & post to make a change."

And in case there was any confusion as to what show she was talking about, she added a "Teen Mom OG" hashtag.

It’s interesting because before this, Cheyenne has never had a problem with the other ladies on the show.

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She’s been on vacation with Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, and Catelynn Lowell, and she went out of her way to support Amber after her domestic violence arrest last year.

But she’s not wrong … they’ve all been pretty silent on this topic.

Catelynn hasn’t been posting much, though in the past few days she did make a post about the latest episode, and also a video of a bonfire.

Maci tweeted a bit earlier this week when she got some criticism for how she dealt with Bentley "cutting weight" in the new episode, but nothing other than that.

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Cheyenne doesn’t have as close a relationship with Mackenzie McKee since she hasn’t been on the show all that long, but Mack has been posting things things like "So much evil in this world. Enough is enough."

She also retweeted a message asking for justice for George Floyd’s murder and an anti-racist tweet, but she did do all of this after Cheyenne’s tweet.

And as for Amber, she doesn’t do much of anything on social media besides the occasional Snapchat selfie.

As Cheyenne pointed out though, they’ve all continued to allow Teen Mom content to be posted to their various accounts.

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It’s also worth pointing out that Kailyn Lowry, Leah Messer, and Jade Cline of Teen Mom 2 have all been very vocal about this.

Kailyn even commented on Cheyenne’s tweet, saying "You’re not wrong!!!", and Leah liked it.

It’s tough to say what will happen next.

Will Maci, Amber, and Catelynn respond? Will they ignore it?

Will their friendship with Cheyenne ever be the same?

We’ll have to wait and see!