After 10 years of romance and about 8 months of marriage, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are over..
Now Miley’s been showing off pics from her girls’ trip and she and Liam have been pretty tight-lipped when it comes to official statements.
But Miley’s big sister Brandi has something to say — and predicts that Miley will only sit on her side of the story for so long.

Brandi Cyrus spoke on the Your Favorite Thing podcast with Wells Adams.
For the first time, she is publicly commenting on the collapse of her sister’s marriage.
"It’s not my business to talk about," Brandi emphasizes.
"And," the 32-year-old actress, singer, and DJ adds. "It’s nothing anything of mine to tell."
Brandi laments: "There’s nothing I can really say."

But Brandi can speak about herself and the role that she is now playing with Miley and Liam’s separation public knowledge.
"I just, I’m here for her, obviously," Brandi expresses.
Good for her! Of course she is.
"And," she adds. "I’ve been spending a lot of time with her."
She even has a guess as to when Miley will be prepared and willing to share here side of the story with the world.
"When she’s ready to talk about it or whatever," Brandi predicts. "Then she will."

Just a couple of days ago, Brandi was a lot more vague as she waxed philosophical on social media.
"I’ve learned that life sometimes takes us through seasons," she wrote on Instagram. "When we cannot understand why things have to hurt so much,"
She added: "or be so hard."
"But," Brandi affirmed. "All we can do is trust that there is purpose in everything,"
"Even," she added. "The darkness. …"

"And in time everything will make sense," Brandi’s message assured her fans and followers.
"And all of that purpose will be revealed," she suggested. "When the time is right."
Brandi predicted that out of turmoil can come new peace "and we will be stronger and better for it."
Given the timing, it’s difficult to imagine that Brandi was talking about anyone or anything but her sister’s separation.
We’re leery of reading too much into a single post, absolutely. But sometimes you have to make an educated guess and use common sense.

Outwardly, Miley does seem to be coping well with the separation.
Part of that may be that, according to rumors, they actually separated a couple of months ago and only went public now.
But Miley has been seen gal-paling with Kaitlynn Carter, and wonder if her coping mechanism might turn into a whole new relationship.
That said, some people think that Miley and Kaitlynn are faking it just to get back at their respective exes.
That’s certainly possible, but if it’s true, it would indicate that there’s some serious bad blood between Miley and Liam. More than they’ve let on.
Recent reports have shown the split turning ugly with accusations that Miley cheated and that Liam is some sort of drug fiend.
We hope that the truth comes out before various contradictory reports take on lives of their own.