Congratulations, Miley Cyrus. You have proven us wrong.
Turns out, you can still come up with ways to shock us into silence.

The 22-year old singer has given fans a backstage pass to the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards (which she hosted) in her latest Diary of a Dirty Hippe column for V Magazine.
And by this, we mean the following:
Miley Cyrus is totally and completely naked in the photo posted above.
We’re not kidding. We’re not misleading. And we’re not exaggerating.
The picture featured here depicts Cyrus sitting in her dressing room at some point during the aforementioned ceremony… breasts on full display, nary an inch of clothing covering her body, top of her public hair sticking out from between her legs.
Miley is wearing her birthday suit and her birthday suit only.
Click to see the enlarged, uncensored image for yourself. If you dare.
The artist, of course, is as open with her nude form as any celebrity out there.
Sources say she may actually perform an all-nude concert in the near future, while Cyrus has been pushing folks to Free the Nipple on Instagram for months now.
It’s safe to say she’s accomplished this mission in the photo above.
Those two nipples are as free as any two nipples can possible be.