Last we heard from Robin Thicke, he wasn’t doing well.
Thicke admitted to alcohol and pain pill addictions in a recent deposition that stemmed from a lawsuit over whether he’d plagiarized his 2013 hit, “Blurred Lines.”
Thicke confessed to not remembering much of the whirlwind few months following the song’s release, during which time he became a world-famous pop star and got dumped by Paula Patton, his wife of nine years.

It was a startling admission from a man who seemed to be on top of the world just one year ago.
But even though Robin is aware of his problems to the point that he’s willing to open up about them in court, sources say his addictions have only gotten worse in recent months:
“He’s been drinking and partying every night since splitting with Paula,” a source tells In Touch. “He’s trying to numb the pain of losing the love of his life.”
“[Paula], his parents, and his record company tried to stage an intervention several months ago, but Robin simply refused.”
Most recently, Thicke was spotted clubbing with Leonardo DiCaprio. But despite the A-list company, Robin didn’t seem to be enjoying himself.
“A drink never left his hand the whole night,” says one witness. “While their table was filled with beautiful women, he stayed off to the side, looking depressed.”
You know things are bad when when you can’t even have fun partying with Leo. Maybe if DiCaprio had rapped for Robin, it would’ve cheered him up.