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What’s French for… who gives a f-ck?

Following this week’s attack on Kim Kardashian at Paris Fashion Week – an imbecilic assault perpetrated by notorious celebrity prankster Vitalii Sediuk – the police in that city have responded to the incident with a great big shrug of their shoulders.

According to TMZ, Parisian authorities could not care less that Kardashian was accosted while making her way through paparazzi at a fashion week event on Wednesday.

They say this sort of thing simply happens sometimes and they fail understand why Americans make such a big deal of it. Well… okay then!

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The cops won’t be taking any kind of legal action against Sediuk, despite his attempt to tackle Kim to the ground.


Kanye West, however, is doing all he can to assure the safety of himself and his family while abroad.

Kim and company are now traveling with armed security members for the duration of their time in France and, we must say, we can’t blame them.

In other news… hey, look! Kim Kardashian’s cleavage!