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Fortunately, Pat Houston is stressed out and tired.

It looked for a moment that she was a lot worse.

There was a miscommunication surrounding Whitney Houston’s sister-in-law after she wrote a Facebook status that caused her loved ones to become alarmed:

“Sometimes you just feel like giving up on life and its many challenges. And for the first time in my life I’m tired … and I want to finally rest. I love you guys.”


After reading her status update, some felt the need to contact police, with reports claiming the cops were called for a suicide scare, but that was not the case.

Once police and paramedics arrived to Houston’s Alpharetta, Ga., home today, they found her in bed with a pill bottle next to her … but not like that sounds.

Pat Houston awoke and explained that she took pain medication for her back and fell asleep. She was taken to the hospital to be safe, but was released.

Here’s hoping that’s truly all it was.