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This week, the U.S. Senate is taking about repealing the military’s controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which prohibits gays from openly serving.

Senate Democrats have made repealing the discriminatory policy a condition of the $726 billion spending bill the play to pass for the coming fiscal year.

It’s a bold move for a law already under siege. A federal judge in California ruled it unconstitutional and polls are showing increasing support for repeal.

Among the more vocal supporters? Lady Gaga. In a recent YouTube video, the pro-gay rights music star lobbied for the Senate to overturn the law:

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Gaga and other repeal advocates say the law deprives the military of capable soldiers and violates civil rights. Pretty hard to argue with that, isn’t it?

Not if you’re Sen. John McCain of Arizona and other prominent Republicans fighting to keep the law in place, at least until further studies are conducted.

GOP critics say the impact on troops must be examined and that lifting the ban at a time when troops are fighting two wars would undermine morale.

Anyone buying that? We know a pop star who’s not. Remember Lady Gaga’s meat dress? It was to symbolize people being treated like pieces of meat.

Specifically, the gay community. The star held a rally Monday in Portland, Maine, speaking out on behalf of gays in the military. Watch it all below …

