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Lorenzo Lamas once starred on The Bold and the Beautiful.

If the following story is true, that’s nothing compared to the soap opera that played out in his real life. Star says the actor left his fourth wife, Playboy model Shauna Sand, when he discovered her affair with A.J. Lamas, his then-18-year-old son.

That would be even weirder than Morgan Freeman and E’Dena Hines.

According to a pal, the secret romance carried on for months in 2002.

“He thought Shauna was acting like a mom to A.J.,” a friend of Lorenzo Lamas said of the scandalous affair. “He had no clue that she was his son’s lover!”

Did A.J. Lamas nail his dad’s ex-wife, Shauna Sand? [Photos: Fame Pictures]

“Shauna came on to A.J. Lamas,” the friend of Lorenzo’s says. “It was the ultimate betrayal. Lorenzo had no idea; he was in the dark about the whole thing.”

But Lorenzo Lamas is no longer in the dark.

Rumor has it the public will get a chance to see his reaction to the likely made up scandal on the new reality show that the Lamas family is currently filming for E!

That show will star A.J.’s sister, The Bachelor skank winner Shayne Lamas.

Whether this is true or not, Sand pursuing younger men is nothing new. The 37-year-old party girl is currently dating twentysomething Gregory Knudsen, and is estranged from interim husband Romain Chavent, also in his twenties.

Our question: Is going from Shauna Sand to Lindsay Lohan a lateral move for A.J.?