It’s a family thing. Former Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick – brother of jailed NFL QB Michael Vick – was arrested earlier this morning.
Marcus Vick’s arrest did not involve any dogs being murdered, but merely the troubled star leading authorities on a wild goose chase.
According to Norfolk, Va. police, a bike cop approached Vick after he saw him arguing with a woman in a car early Friday morning.
When the officer asked him to show his ID, Vick – in a move straight out of The Simpsons – decided he would hightail it down the road!
Marcus Vick (left), like brother Michael Vick, is a former Virginia Tech football star. Also like his big bro, Marcus found himself behind bars this morning!
After the cops caught up with him and pulled him over, Marcus Vick failed a field sobriety test and was subsequently charged with DUI, eluding police, reckless driving and driving on a suspended license.
The lady friend Marcus was barking at, identified as Delicia Cordon of Miami, was also arrested and charged with being drunk in public.
The younger Vick’s antics landed him in exclusive company – our celebrity mug shots gallery! Follow the link for nearly 100 of them!