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As you’ve likely heard by now, Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest on Monday in a stately, somber ceremony befitting one of the most beloved world leaders of the past century.

With the official period of mourning coming to an end, the eyes of the world are now cast to the future.

Though it’s not yet clear when his coronation will take place, Charles III took over as king immediately upon Elizabeth’s death.

So Brits have a new national anthem (“God Save the King”) and will soon have a new face on their money — but the 73-year-old Charles will obviously not reign as long as his mother did.

So what happens after Chuck’s time on the throne comes to an end?

Well, we’ve got your answer to that slightly morbid question, along with a deep-dive look at the lengthy British line of succession!

Behold your future, Britain — it could get a little grim!