Covert Affairs Season 5 Episode 11 marked the show’s return from an extended hiatus, and boy did the USA drama make up for lost time with this installment.
A dream sequence kicked off Covert Affairs Season 5 Episode 11, in which Peter was awake and kissing Annie. The ultimate tease, it turned out, for viewers.
In reality, he is still sedated.
Distressed, Annie wants to bring who ever was behind the Chicago attack to justice. As she monitors his health, she sets out to get to the bottom of it.
Annie, in Istanbul, recruits Eyal to help her find Belenko. She manages to subdue one of his cohorts who was setting up the deal, only to have Eyal kill him.
Annie then meets Belenko, who requires her to go unarmed and leave Eyal. This confrontation ultimately leaves her with more questions than answers.
She wants to know what is in the bags, and as she’s leaving, Eyal appears and takes out some of the guards, as they pursue the vehicle with bags.
Annie is almost shot by the driver, only to realize that the bags have already been taken out of the car. So this leaves our heroine back at square one.
Finally, Tony calls Auggie, seemingly drunk, and before you know it, Auggie is at the hospital where Tony has apparently died due to alcohol consumption.
Auggie can’t believe this and demands to see the medical examiner. Do you think he really died? You can watch Covert Affairs online to see for yourself …