With viewers still reeling from last Sunday’s stunning death on The Good Wife, this CBS drama aired an emotional hour last night that featured a number of characters seeking answers.
How would they move on in light of Will’s unexpected death?
DAVID LEE would retreat to a conference room and show a vulnerable side never before seen on the series before.
DIANE would honor Will’s memory by firing one of his top clients, a man more concerned with the future of his own business than the fate of the attorney who helped protect it for so long.
KALINDA would go after revenge, getting to the bottom of just who shot Will in that courtroom; determining it was Jeffrey Grant; and actually taunting the young man in jail with his own belt.
Here? Wanna kill yourself? Tough luck. You’re gonna need to live with this forever.
Cruel. Shocking. Thrilling to watch.
And ALICIA? Alicia did all she could to block out the pain by going after the truth; specifically, the truth about why Will left her an abbreviated voicemail on the day he died.
Was he angry at her for stealing a client? Was he calling to officially reconcile? There was no way of knowing, of course, no matter who Alicia tried to pry answers from: Finn, his assistant, the judge.
Alicia imagined various scenarios in her head throughout The Good Wife Season 5 Episode 16, closing with the fantasy she hoped could have been the case: Will calling to say he loved her and wanted to be with her.
This happened, of course, while she was hugging Peter. Awkward.
The Good Wife creators have said they killed Will off not to shock fans, but to see how his death will reverberate around the offices of both Florrick/Agos and Lockhart/Gardner. So far… so good and painful, huh?
Whether it was Diane hugging Alicia or Grace trying to make sense of Will’s death by telling her mom about God, the tear-inducing scenes never abated during the hour. This wasn’t an episode about moving any kind of story forward; it was all about looking back at the past and saying goodbye to the show’s second leading character.
Or at least trying to. Who knows where Alicia goes from here, professionally and personally.
Sound off now and go watch The Good Wife online via TV Fanatic to catch up on anything you missed.