Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston recently reached a custody deal and agreed to iron out any issues they have privately, rather than bash each other in public.
One such issue? Baby son Tripp’s possible TV appearances.
As we reported earlier this month, Bristol’s two-time former fiance just started filming a new reality show in which he is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
His approval ratings in the Palin household? Not high.
“Sarah can’t stand Levi and it’s gotten worse,” a source said, noting that the Tripp situation has caused increased friction. “She is absolutely opposed to it.”
A problem for Levi Johnston is that he has big problems making the show interesting enough for someone to broadcast it, and people connected to the production wants Tripp in the show to add another dimension to the reality show.
But Bristol Palin wants no part of that for the 18-month-old.
Will she come around? We wouldn’t hold our breath if we were Levi, especially after the way their engagement blew up, with rumors of him putting it to Lanesia Garcia and Briana Plum, then mocking the Palins in a Brittani Senser music video.
It was a rough two-week engagement, to say the least.
“Sarah hates Levi,” a source said of the elder Palin, herself the former mayor of Wasilla. “She thinks his desperate grasp at fame is pathetic and doesn’t want him involving Bristol or Tripp in anything he does to try and get famous.”
In other words, anything he does … at all.