Two new photos from Eclipse have been leaked, and each is OMG-worthy for its own reason.
First, fans can get their first look at Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria. The actress controversially took over this key role from Rachelle Lefevre after the latter portrayed the character for the first two Twilight Saga films.
In the scene below, Victoria is not getting along very well with Edward, is she?
Meanwhile, the second Eclipse image truly has fans buzzing. For what reason? It’s a simple equation:
Kristen Stewart + Robert Pattinson – A couple shirt buttons + A steamy embrace = YOU BETTER CHECK OUT THE PHOTO BELOW RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT.
Eclipse comes out on June 30. Fans are as eager for that date to arrive as Bella is to get Edward’s clothes off in this shot from the movie.
** For a couple more steamy stills from the film, visit our Eclipse photo gallery!