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Former Alaska Governor and current famous person Sarah Palin says she meant no disrespect to Sen. John McCain by blacking out his name on a sun visor.

On vacation in Hawaii, Palin for some reason chose to wear a visor from her campaign emblazoned with McCain’s name scribbled out with black marker.

Palin said she just wore it to stay under the radar (!?) and that the hotel where she and her family were staying had to chase away five photographers.

Here’s the text of the statement she released today:

“I am so sorry if people took this silly incident the wrong way. I adore John McCain, support him 100 percent and will do everything I can to support his reelection.”

“As everyone knows, I was honored and proud to run with him. And Todd and I were with him in D.C. just a week ago. So much for trying to be incognito.”

So, in summation, Sarah Palin is saying that:

  1. The visor could transform one of the most famous people in politics into a plan ol’ ordinary soccer mom on a Hawaiian beach (wearing a shirt that said “If you don’t like America, why don’t you get the hell out?” no less).
  2. Blacking out small print that simply read “McCain,” as in her former running mate, somehow fit into this brilliant plan to make the visor more discreet.
  3. The gesture was entirely devoid of motive.

Eh, we’ll buy it. Consider the source.