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Don Imus has done it again!

Yesterday, the controversial, much-maligned radio host wondered aloud about the race of NFL star Adam “Pacman” Jones after hearing about the various (and by various, we mean many) run-ins with the law Jones has had.

“What color is he?” Imus asked his co-host.

After learning that Pacman is African-American, he shot back, “Well, there you go.”

You know who’s loving this? Charlie Sheen! He’s no longer the biggest racist moron of the month! Well he probably still is, but you get the point.

Don Imus was fired by CBS last year after he referred to the Rutgers women’s basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” Snoop Dogg was not happy.

He was rehired after eight months. WABC, the station that broadcasts the show, said Don Imus will explain his comments today. Mmm hmm.