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Donald Trump accomplished something very impressive in Virginia this week.

The Republican nominee for President managed to kick a baby out of a rally

and then proceed to do something so much more callous that it made the whole baby-booting thing seem downright benevolent.

Donald Trump, Purple Heart

Speaking at a campaign event on Tuesday, Trump thanked an Iraq War veteran who had just given him his Purple Heart as a gift prior to taking the stage.

The Purple Heart, of course, is a medal bestowed upon members of our military who were injured during battle.

It’s one of the highest honors anyone can receive.

“I said to him, ‘Is that like the real one or is that a copy? And he said, ‘That’s my real Purple Heart. I have such confidence in you,’” Trump told supporters in Ashburn.

“And I said, ‘Man that’s big stuff.’ I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier, but I tell you it was such an honor.”

Yes, Donald Trump just joked that standing at a podium and being handed a Purple Heart was "easier" than actually enlisting and earning one on the ground.

Need we bother explaining why this comment has drawn such ire?

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Trump received four draft deferments for college and one for “bone spurs in his heels” during the Vietnam War, The New York Times has reported.

He essentially did all he could to get out of fighting.

Among those aghast over Trump’s comment and his acceptance of the Purple Heart?

Sean Barney, a Democrat running for Congress in Delaware who was shot in the neck by a sniper while on patrol with the Marine Corps in Fallujah.

“Today, a Donald Trump supporter handed him a Purple Heart. Trump’s flippant and repugnant reply: ‘I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier,’” Barney wrote in a post on Facebook.

“As someone who fought for our country in Iraq, was injured, and was awarded a Purple Heart, I can tell you, no one should ever ‘want’ to get a Purple Heart.”

Khizr Khan, the father of late Army Captain Humayun S.M. Khan, also criticized Trump during an interview on CNN.

Addressing the Presidential candidate, Khan slammed him as follows:

“You had your chance. You escaped. You dodged the draft ― and now you want an ‘easy’ Purple Heart in your pocket?

"You should have pinned it back. Even now, call that man. I want his surrogates to call that man, thank him and put that Purple Heart back on that person’s chest.”

Watch Trump talk about the Purple Heart in the video below and then decide:

Is this the lowest he has sunk yet?

Or is that an impossible question to even answer at this point?