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We are just over six weeks away from Josh Duggar going on trial.

The disgraced former TLC star was charged in late April with two counts of child pornography possession.

As previously detailed, he faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted of both charges, a sentencing that would mean he won’t be free until he’s 73 years old.

Indeed, things are about to get very real and potentially very frightening for the father of six, who is expecting his seventh child next month.

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For all the Internet chatter about whether or not Duggar is guilty of downloading sexually graphic videos of children under the age of 12, his trial will mostly come down to actual evidence.

The prosecutors believe that have enough to convict, too, considering the technology and software federal agents used to keep track of Duggar’s computer use back in 2018 and 2019.

Just how reliable in this technology?

Authorities say they can pinpoint the precise date and time when thiis disgusting and illegal material was downloaded on Josh’s work computer, a seemingly damning example of evidence against him.

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Unless, that is, Josh is capable of flipping the legal script.

Here’s what we mean:

According to recently-filed documents in court, the government is asking for Josh’s alibi “on or about May 14, 2019 through May 16, 2019, between approximately 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day at Wholesale Motors in Tontitown, Arkansas.”

This is when the horrible photos and horrible videos were downloaded.

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Of course, prosecutors must prove that Duggar himself is the one who pressed the buttons at that time on his keyboard — which means Josh could help himself out a great deal if he can prove otherwise.

Does Josh Duggar have an alibi for the aforementioned times and dates?

This has become a pertinent question.

Some are now wondering whether Anna Duggar will testify on behaf of her husband and, if so, whether she’ll be able to account for his whereabouts during these critical hours.

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The government has asked Duggar’s defense team for the name, address and telephone number for each witness Duggar intends to use to back up whatever alibi he plans to use at the trial.

This is a procedure known as "discovery" and it’s meant to give lawyers a chance to cross-examine any witness Josh calls to back up his story.

In one of Josh’s filings this fall, he claimed there was another employee who worked at the car dealership and who also had access to the Internet there.

Agents spoke to this employee and he did confess to sleeping at the place of business on occasion, without Duggar’s permission.

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"Witness #1 admitted to viewing adult pornography through websites he accessed through the internet on his cellular phone and, when asked by these federal agents, denied viewing child pornography," another set of court papers reads.

Police searched the witness’ phone and found no child pornography, but they’ve since been accused by Duggar’s team not preserving any evidence from this search.

Earlier this month, a judge threw out the defense team’s attempts to get both charges against Duggar dropped.

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During a May hearing, meanwhile, Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Gerald Faulkner said he was present for the raid on Josh’s former workplace in May 2019.

He described the contents of one video that was allegedly found on Duggar’s computer, telling the court that it featured the sexual assault of an 18-month old.

Faulkner described the images as "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine."

The special agent also alleged that when Duggar was asked point blank about seeing or having child sex abuse material in his possession, he responded as follows:

"I’d rather not answer that question."