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Coming off what’s been called the worst week of his campaign, Donald Trump finds himself polling well below Hillary Clinton both nationwide and in key swing states.

Of course, the Donald’s never been one to accept defeat lying down, so today he adopted a bold new strategy in his ongoing effort to close the electoral gap and claim the highest office in the land.

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Though it’s Trump who would be the oldest president in the U.S. history if he were to be elected, the real estate mogul has adopted the risky tactic of suggesting that Clinton is physically and intellectually unfit for office.

The strategy seems to be prompted by a remark that Clinton made about her brain "short-circuiting" when she gave a factually inaccurate response to a question about her private email server.

Trump seized on the comment during a recent campaign trail event.

"She took a short-circuit in the brain," the candidate said on Saturday night.

"She’s got problems. Honestly, I don’t think she’s all there."

A number of conservative bloggers and media outlets ran with the idea, and the #HillarysHealth hashtag was soon trending in the most right-leaning corners of the Twitterverse.

No real evidence emerged that Clinton is suffering from any sort of secret health problem the photo below, which was taken back in February, quickly went viral:

Hillary Clinton Stairs Photo

"The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign," wrote American Mirror editor, Kyle Olson.

"The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

"The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs."

The Trump campaign has yet to offer up any of its own evidence that Clinton is suffering from any sort of ailment, but the gambit may have been successful nonetheless.

Following a week in which he was criticized for kicking a baby out of a rally and accepting a Purple Heart medal offered to him by a wounded veteran, Trump needed to change the conversation in whatever way he could.

However temporarily, the #HillarysHealth hashtag accomplished that.