Big Brother legend Dick Donato will make a surprising reveal about himself on VH1’s Couples Therapy tonight, and no one saw coming: He’s HIV positive.
The reality TV villain, who often goes by the nickname “Evel Dick,” is on the VH1 show with his on-again, off-again girlfriend Stephanie Rogness-Fischer.
On Couples Therapy Season 5 Episode 4, he reveals one of the biggest issues in his relationship, and life, with the show’s therapist, Dr. Jenn Berman.
In an upcoming episode, he’ll also share this with the rest of the cast members, which include The Bachelor‘s Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell.
Just as surprising as the diagnosis itself was the fact that Dick was competing on Season 13 of Big Brother when producers found this out first.
“They told me that something was wrong with my blood test,” he says, noting that constants submit to all kids of testing. “They had done two HIV tests.”
“One had come back positive and the other had come back negative.”
More blood work was done and Dick’s diagnosis was indeed positive.
“When they told me, I just went numb,” he says, and with no explanation, Dick Donato left Big Brother 13, shocking its cast and viewers alike.
His destination? His mother’s house: “She was the first person I told.”
“My biggest fear was telling my girlfriend,” Donato continues.
“We had this long discussion. I figured she would freak out. But she was really understanding about the whole thing. She said, ‘Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.'”
“She was tested and it came back negative, an incredible relief.”
Donato doesn’t know how he contracted HIV, but says he’s never injected himself with needles and suspects unprotected sex with a woman is to blame.
“Being diagnosed is like being blindfolded and spun around 100 times, then being left in a dark room,” he says of the stigma, then the treatment.
“I spent a lot of time trying to figure out my next steps – the right doctors and medications. I really began to understand how frustrating it could be.
For three years, Donato was afraid of his secret being found out, and amazingly, given his very public exit from Big Brother and celebrity status, it wasn’t.
But one day, the Evel One had an epiphany.
“Look, I get that I’m a reality-show villain,” he says. “But for better or for worse, I have a platform. And I decided that it was time to just publicly say what I’m dealing with.”
“On one hand, I’m doing this for myself.”
“I don’t want to hide anymore. On the other hand, I hope it will remind viewers to get tested, practice safe sex, all those things we know in the back of our minds.”
“After I told everyone on Couples Therapy, I had two production people pull me aside and say that they had gotten tested. I feel like I can do some good.
How’s he doing these days?
Dick spoke with People about that as well, among other subjects. Head on over to the magazine’s website to hear how his treatment is progressing.
Then watch Couples Therapy online tonight to see the drama unfold on VH1 in what should be an emotional episode, to say the absolute least.