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We met the mothers on Red Band Society Season 1 Episode 2.

Sara (Andrea Parker) and Daniella (Tricia O’Kelley) made their debuts on the second episode of this new Fox series, showing up as the power couple behind delightfully bitchy cheerleader Kara.

Watching Kara interact with her parents was both funny and touching (like Red Band Society as a whole), as it led the sick teenager into an unexpected alliance with her anorexic hospital-mate Emma.

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Elsewhere, Jordi learned that his cancer has spread to his soft tissue.

Which, yes, means his leg did not have to be amputated. But it doesn’t mean anything positive overall for Jordi… or for Leo, who had been hoping to have someone who could share in his one-legged life adventures.

Leo sort of threw a tantrum and then got drunk with Dash at a nearby frat party.


But he eventually flips out there as well and ends up in pain on the bedroom floor. Nurse Jackson comes to his rescue with the following advice – "You can’t run away from your life. It’s yours and it’s precious. You just have to claim it." – and the ends up by Jordi’s bedside to close the episode.

As for the key questions we took away from Red Band Society this week:

  • Do we need more backstory on Dash?
  • Hot Doc may be hot, but is he really a good doctor, considering he withheld some key information from Leo here?
  • Was Kara’s "I’m sorry we didn’t all grow up on a very special episode of 7th Heaven" the funniest line of the week… on all of television?
  • Should we be worried that Kara gets too soft and stops making us laugh?
  • How frightening is Emma actually trying out Kara’s salted ice-cubes diet?!?

Did you miss this installment? You can always watch Red Band Society online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up.