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Sarah Palin spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) yesterday and certainly did not disappoint the faithful who came out to see her.

Among the highlights of her 26-minute address:

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  • Likening President Barack Obama to Bernie Madoff.
  • Mocking New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his support of a jumbo soda ban (and busting out a Big Gulp in mid-speech for effect).
  • Talking about her new gun rack from Todd.

Palin also railed against her own party for trying to "put on a fresh coat of rhetorical paint" instead of “restoring the trust of the American people.”


“Now is the time to furlough consultants,” she said, echoing a commonly-heard refrain. “If we truly know what we believe we do not need professionals to tell us.”

She broadened her criticism to include the government as a whole, chastising the “permanent political class” who are in “permanent campaign mode.”

Sarah Palin saved her most vitriolic quotes for Obama, of course.

“He is considered a good politician,” the 2008 Republican VP nominee said, referring to Obama, “which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesman."

"The difference being, the president is using our money.”

“Step away from the teleprompter and do your job.”

She even waded into the most polarizing of policy debates: gun control.

“Background checks? Yeah, I guess to learn more about a person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks?” she said.

“Dandy idea, Mr. President … should have started with yours.”

The former Alaska governor declined to run for president last year and decided against renewing her contract as a political commentator on Fox News.

Her influence within the party is subject to debate now, but she said she speaks for “the heartland of America" in saying "things are bad out here.”