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If you’re offended by either: over-the-top 1970’s-style racial stereotypes or ineffably dumb movies, you should not watch the new trailer for InAPPropriate Comedy.

If you like Rob Schneider and poorly thought-out gay jokes, then this is your jam:

The Hollywood Gossip Logo

The sketch comedy film is directed by and stars Vince Offer. The ShamWow! guy. He made a movie.

Oscar-winner Adrien Brody stars as Flirty Harry, a hard cop with a flare for fashion in a film about iPad apps gone wild. Still not convinced?

How about Lindsay Lohan lashing out against the Paparazzi that won’t leave her alone in an entirely-too-planned bout of strained self-awareness?


Sketch Comedy movies like Kentucky Fried Movie and Movie 43 tend to fall into the "dumb comedy" arena. And there’s nothing wrong with dumb comedy.

But for heaven’s sake, have we not yet learned that "offensive" doesn’t automatically equal "comedy?" Ya gotta try. Who’s with me!? (*crickets*)

What do you think? Is InAPPropriate Comedy worth your time? Or do you prefer to see Lindsay Lohan battle the Paparazzi in real life?