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Do not feel too bad for Kris Humphries, people.

The NBA player may currently be locked out of his job, and he may have recently been served divorce papers by Kim Kardashian, but Humphries isn’t totally alone during this heart-breaking time.

He has his pals at Sector Watches to get him through.

Peter Cornell and Kris Humphries
(Jason Kempin)

Kris held a press conference at New York City’s Trump SoHo hotel on Friday and announced a $150,000 endorsement deal with the company.

“As you all know, this has been a difficult time in my life, and I’m so grateful [for] my friends at Sector for their unwavering support,” he said.  “I’ve been a watch and fashion lover my entire life and a competitor and the no limit tag is really about how I approach my career. I’m really honored to be with the Sector brand. Most of all, they really do have great watches.”

A portion of all Sector sales will go to Humphries’ charity, which helps fights childhood obesity. So that’s nice at least.

For more on this reality star’s struggles, tune in to season two of Kourtney & Kim Take New York!!!
