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Bristol Palin was hounded by a heckler last night in L.A., and while that loser said some truly awful things, her response was interesting in and of itself.

BP was at the Saddle Ranch for a little mechanical bull riding on the Sunset Strip when a heckler came up to her and shouted, “Did you ride Levi like that?”

That was funny. But unfortunately it turned ugly.

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With comments like “Your mother is the f*%king devil” and “Your mother’s a whore,” the heckler stepped way over the line in his Sarah Palin bashing.

Sarah wasn’t even married when she nailed Glen Rice, first of all. Get your facts straight. In any case, Bristol was understandably far from pleased.

She should never have to deal with such hatred. Still, her reply was odd, if not overtly homophobic: “Is it because you’re a homosexual, that’s why you hate her?”

The dude replied, “Pretty much … and why’d you say I’m a homosexual?” To which Sarah’s eldest daughter said, “Because I can tell you are.”

Ah, the wit and wisdom of Bristol Palin. At least she didn’t take a page from the Rick Perry campaign playbook and blame tornadoes on this guy.

What do you think? Is Bristol Palin homophobic?