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CBS’ Bob Schieffer has come out and said what many in the news industry are probably thinking but are understandably hesitant to go on record about:

That Donald Trump’s incessant criticism of President Obama is racially motivated.

The host of Face the Nation, visibly upset, called Trump a racist last night on the CBS Evening News, and not just for Trump’s Obama birth certificate crusade.

Schieffer was also talking about Trump’s suggestion that Obama is not Ivy League material and may not have had the grades to get into Harvard Law School.

The context of Trump’s comments was Obama not releasing his transcripts.

“That’s just code for saying he got into law school because he’s black,” Schieffer said. “This is an ugly strain of racism that’s running through this whole thing.”

Earlier in the week, Trump said, “I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can’t get into Harvard.” 

“We don’t know a thing about this guy. There are a lot of unanswered questions.”

While it’s fine to bash Obama – heck, it’s your right! – that doesn’t mean Trump’s not out of line. What do you think? Are Trump’s criticisms racist?