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Does American Idol have the next David Archuleta on its hands?

Granted, it’s very early to make that comparison, but there are clear similarities between Aaron Kelly and the season seven finalist.

Kelly is one of several contestants rumored to have advanced to the top 24 this year. He’s only 16, yet has a lot of confidence and has gone through some trials already in life: Aaron’s aunt and uncle adopted him when he was a toddler because his parents were simply too por.

On Aaron’s MySpace page, he’s referred to himself as a “Legend in the Works.”

Archuleta came across as more humble, of course, but both these artists got started at an early age.

Kelly landed an independent recording contract when he was 10 and won the “American Idol Experience” at DisneyWorld last year. This qualified him to audition for the judges this season and earn unanimous approval for Hollywood.

Critics are already comparing Aaron Kelly to Archuleta, Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. All the hype is a bit premature.

But the following clip of Kelly singing “Jesus Take the Wheel” proves that he’s a contestant worth remembering.

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