Gym teacher Brad Ferro punched Snooki (Nicole Pilozzi) in the face in what has become the most infamous scene from Jersey Shore, even though it hasn’t aired yet (it was supposed to tonight) and MTV decided to edit out the brutal KO.
Now he wants her to know he’s sorry.
“I am sick to my stomach,” Brad Ferro tells the New York Post. “I can”t believe I’d ever do anything like that. I was raised to act in a respectful manner to women.”
“I deeply regret what happened,” he says of punching Snooki, which you can still see online if you must. “Nobody deserves that. That was not the real Brad Ferro.”

Ferro was arrested back on August 19 after knocking Nicole Polizzi the f*%k out at the Beachcomber Bar & Grill in Seaside Heights, N.J., and was suspended from his job.
He also enrolled in anger management courses. That’s a good thing.
Brad, who admits he “drank way too much” that night, says that just days before, he taught his students about bad decisions and the dangers of alcohol abuse.
“I remember very little from the incident,” Ferro says. “It’s all fuzzy. I remember a punch … I don’t remember who or why, but I do remember being arrested.”
Ferro’s lawyer Andrew Siben says his client has learned his lesson and “should be given a second chance to show he is a person of much higher character.”
Jersey Shore airs tonight, sans Snooki punch, on MTV at 10 p.m.
Brad Ferro punched Snooki’s lights out this summer.
The worst part: the attack was all over a drink. Ferro tried to take Snooki’s cocktail and when she yelled at him for it, he retaliated … with a fist. Loser.