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Given that it’s Life & Style featuring her on the cover, we expected to read that Jennifer Aniston’s “diet secrets” to involve some combination of the following:

  • Crying over Brad Pitt all day
  • Starving herself for weeks on end
  • Eating cartons of ice cream while feeling particularly pathetic and useless at the ancient age of 40, then throwing up to purge the system

Surprisingly, the celebrity gossip magazine says that Jen keeps her amazing figure simply by “incorporating fitness and food” into her life in moderation.

Jennifer Aniston at SAGs
(Getty Images for Turner)

What a concept. She may be lonely and sad, but she works out!

“Whenever she wants to look her best, Jennifer does this strict diet so she’s able to lose five pounds in five days,” an insider on the set of The Baster (a comedy Aniston recently filmed with Jason Bateman) tells the celeb gossip mag.

Jennifer Aniston has “the best body of her life.” In other news, Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart want a kid, while Jon and Kate’s want the hell off TV.

“She did it during her past few films and doesn’t find it hard at all. I saw her eat pasta only once!” But the yoga devotee – who flew her instructor, Mandy Ingber, from LA to her NYC set – always eats enough to keep energy high.

“She routinely gets up at 5 in the morning to run before filming starts,” says the insider, who was on set with Jennifer as she filmed The Bounty in New Jersey.

“We were filming from 6 a.m. until almost 11 at night, and she had a great energy level the whole time. She was upbeat and smiley and never flubbed a line!”

“And her body looks amazing!”

It sure does. You’ve got to see these Jennifer Aniston pictures. Brad Pitt, John Mayer, Bradley Cooper, etc., etc., etc., have no idea what they’re missing.